FOIA Publication Scheme

Published: 25 September 2023

2 minute read

The Freedom of Information(FOI) Act requires all public authorities to produce a Publication Scheme that specifies the classes of information which the public authority publishes or intends to publish.

Information we cannot disclose under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

  • Release of information under FOI is release to the world. Public authorities are not allowed to take account of the identity of the person making the request, or their motives, when deciding what information will be disclosed in response to an FOI request. For this reason, FOIA contains a number of exemptions which may prevent the disclosure of certain information. The Data Protection Act (DPA) gives individuals a right of access to information we hold about them.
  • More information about how to make a request to FRC under the DPA

Make a FOI request to the FRC

The contact methods below are for FOI related requests, comments and queries only. Please either:

  • send an email to: [email protected]
  • write to: Freedom of Information Act Requests Financial Reporting Council 8th Floor 125 London Wall London, EC2Y 5AS
  • Read about the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and how to make a request.

Publication scheme

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act requires all public authorities to produce a Publication Scheme that specifies the classes of information which the public authority publishes or intends to publish.

Classes of information

The FRC website is the source of the information covered by the publication scheme as well as any other information we routinely make available. The classes of information are:

  • Who we are and what we do
  • What we spend and how we spend it
  • What our priorities are and how we are doing
  • How we make decisions

Who we are and what we do

Details of our organisational structure, key roles and responsibilities and corporate governance can be found in our annual report.

What we spend and how we spend it

Details of the FRC’s income and how that money is spent, including details of our major capital expenditure, contract spend, Board members’ remuneration and allowances and audit reports can be found in the FRC’s accounts and annual report.

What our priorities are and how we are doing

Details of our strategic plans and performance against those plans can be found in our annual report.

How we make decisions

We publish details of our major policy proposals, the thinking behind these and the consultation processes we establish. We also publish minutes of board, executive and other senior committee meetings. Additionally, we publish details of enforcement decisions and notices.

Our policies and procedures

We publish a wide range of information on our policies and procedures online.

Lists and registers

We maintain a log of information we have released in response to FOI requests. Any conflicts of interest of board members are published in the departments accounts.

Comments and queries

If you have any comments or enquiries about our publication scheme, please email us on [email protected] or write to:

Freedom of Information Act Team
Financial Reporting Council
8th Floor
125 London Wall