Audit Quality Review

AQR monitors the quality of the audit work of UK firms that undertake statutory audits of Public Interest Entities (PIEs) and certain other entities.

Audit Quality Review (overview)

Learn how AQR meets its overall objective to monitor and promote improvements in the quality of auditing in the UK.

Details of audits subject to AQR inspection - Companies

The details of audits subject to AQR inspection are listed under the relevant inspection period. This includes those Entities included in AQR’s inspection scope.

Details of audits subject to AQR inspection - Local Audit

The details of audits subject to AQR inspection are listed under the relevant inspection period. This includes those completed under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 (Local Audit regulations).

Details of audits subject to AQR inspection - National Audit Office

The details of audits subject to AQR inspection are listed under the relevant inspection period. This includes inspections of statutory audits performed by the National Audit Office.

Actuarial letters to audit firms

The FRC has sent letters relevant to actuaries, and those using actuarial experts in performing audit work.