Policies and Procedures

FRC Policies and Procedures are available in the pages below.

Visit the Enforcement section for Enforcement Procedures.

Operational Policies

Read an overview of the FRC's key operational policies.

Governance and Constitution

The Board of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) is made up of Non-executive directors and the CEO and is collectively responsible for the long-term success of the FRC.

Anti-bribery policy statement

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) requires all those who are associated with it to observe the highest standards of impartiality, integrity and objectivity.

Business Impact Target

The Financial Reporting Council is subject to the Government’s Business Impact Target (BIT) following the provisions of the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015, as amended by the Enterprise Act 2016.

Regulatory Standards and Codes procedures

These procedures are intended to ensure transparency and consistency in the development and review of codes, standards and associated material.

Consultation Responses Policy

The FRC’s policy is to publish all consultation responses concerning regulatory standards and codes. We do not routinely publish responses that concern our annual plan and budget and funding.

How We Manage Risk

Learn about our risk management framework, which is designed to identify strategic and operational risks, to set our risk tolerance; and to ensure that risks are effectively managed and monitored.

Market Sensitive Information

The Market Sensitive Information Policy sets out the principles, policies and procedures by which the FRC aims to protect market sensitive information (MSI) and guide our staff on how they should handle any information.

Memorandum of Understanding

View Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Financial Reporting Council and other organisations.

The FRC & The Regulators' Code

Read how the FRC embodies the Regulators’ Code in our objectives, values, and behaviours.


The FRC complies with the public sector procurement rules as stipulated in The Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Read our Procurement Policy.


Under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998, an employee can report to the FRC concerns in relation to matters which are within the scope of the FRC’s regulatory duties, and such disclosures will be protected if certain criteria are fulfilled.

Modern Slavery Statement

Read the FRC's statement made in accordance with its commitment to meet section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Disclaimer and Copyright

Read our Disclaimer and Copyright statement.


Our privacy notices tell you what to expect when the FRC collects information about individuals (personal data) and explain the activities we undertake and how we use that personal data to carry out those activities.