Public Interest Entity (PIE) Auditor Registration

4 minute read

Audit firms in scope of the PIE Auditor Registration Regulations must be registered with the FRC to undertake PIE audit work. The PIE auditor approval and registration process (‘PIE Auditor Registration’) is separate from, and additional to, the Recognised Supervisory Body audit registration process for statutory auditors (which continues to apply).

The sections below set out the process and documents required to apply for registration with the FRC, together with certain disclosures in relation to existing Conditions, Undertakings, waivers and suspensions.

PIE Auditor Register

PIE Auditor Registration

If an audit firm or Responsible Individual (RI) wishes to come onto or off of the PIE Auditor Register, please get in contact via [email protected].

Audit firms and RIs must not undertake PIE audit work unless they are registered with the FRC, as this would be in breach of the PIE Auditor Registration Regulations.

PIE Auditor Registration Regulations and Guidance


The following documents are published for reference and information

Name Public Interest Entity (PIE) Auditor Registration Regulations
Publication date 18 August 2022
Format PDF, 1.3 MB
Name PIE Auditor Registration Guidance
Publication date 10 November 2022
Format PDF, 381.0 KB

PIE Auditor Registration Internal Review and Appeals - Supporting Documents

Name Form for requesting an Internal Review
Publication date 2 December 2022
Format DOCX, 60.4 KB
Name Form for requesting an Appeal against the outcome of an Internal Review
Publication date 2 June 2023
Format DOCX, 55.7 KB
Name Tribunal & Appeal Panel Statement of Independence Guidance Notes
Publication date 23 September 2022
Format PDF, 1.5 MB
Name Convening Tribunals and Appeal Tribunals (2022)
Publication date 23 September 2022
Format PDF, 1.5 MB

Further queries on PIE Auditor Registration can be sent to [email protected].

PIE Auditor Registration Data - Registered firms and Responsible Individuals (RIs)

On 5 December 2022, the total number of PIE registered audit firms was 35 (25% of which had Conditions and/or Undertakings). On 31 October 2024, the total number of PIE registered audit firms was 37 (38% of which had Conditions and/or Undertakings).

PIE registered audit firms
Firms 30 April 2023 31 October 2023 30 April 2024 31 October 2024
Tier 1 firms 7 6 6 6
Tier 2 firms 5 6 6 6
Tier 3 firms 21 21 18 18
Other 8 8 7 7
Total firms registered 41 41 37 37

PIE Auditor Registration Conditions, Undertakings, waivers and suspensions

The PIE Auditor Registration regime allows the FRC to impose or agree measures on the registration of firms where we have quality concerns or where firms are not in compliance with one or more of the Registration Requirements. The total number of firms with Conditions and/or Undertakings can be seen in the table below.

Number of PIE registered audit firms with Conditions and/or Undertakings
Firms 30
April 2023
October 2023
April 2024
October 2024
Total PIE audit firms registered 41 41 37 37
PIE audit firms with Conditions* 7 9 9 9
PIE audit firms with Undertakings only 4 4 4 5
% of PIE audit firms with Conditions and/or Undertakings 27% 32% 35% 38%

* The Firms with Conditions row includes firms that have an Undertaking as well as a Condition.

Some examples of Conditions which could be imposed include:

  • To require FRC approval prior to accepting new PIE audits, meaning that we can limit the growth of a firm’s PIE audit portfolio.
  • To improve aspects of a firm’s system of quality management. Conditions of this nature help a firm understand where it needs to improve. We support a firm through this process by reviewing and providing constructive feedback on the actions it is taking.

The FRC’s registration team works closely with the supervisor and inspection teams in monitoring how firms are responding to Conditions and Undertakings. Such firms are subject to enhanced supervision plans and may also be subject to accelerated inspection.

The Regulations specify various measures that the FRC can impose or agree with firms and/or RIs to safeguard audit quality. In each case, the FRC will also consider whether it is in the public interest to publish relevant information. Conditions and/or Undertakings have been applied to a small number of RIs, where we have significant concerns over audit quality.

Decisions as to publication of the matters set out above will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The FRC will balance the public interest with any detriment that may be caused to the individual, the audit firm or a PIE audit engagement. Further details are set out in the Guidance and the publication policy (in Annex 1 of the Guidance).

Consequently, any decision to not publish, should remain confidential between the FRC and the individual and/or audit firm, unless informing another party is expressly included within the measure imposed.

An example of a statement on confidentiality included within an agreed Undertaking with an audit firm:

“The FRC has considered whether it is in the public interest for the above Undertakings to be published and has concluded that it is not. The agreed Undertakings should therefore be treated as, and kept, strictly confidential. You may only disclose the nature or existence of the Undertakings in accordance with paragraph 17.7 of the PIE Auditor Regulations.”

Where the decision is taken to not publish, stakeholders can have confidence that this has been carefully evaluated by the FRC. As a result, firms and RIs should not communicate any details of measures that are stated as confidential. If asked by a third party, such as an Audit Committee in a tendering situation, a firm and/or RI (whether they are subject to a confidential measure or not) should direct the third party to the FRC’s website.

When a publicity decision is made, an entry will be made on the PIE Auditor Register (‘PAR’) to indicate the existence of a measure and its duration. Each Condition, Undertaking, waiver and/or suspension that has been published on the PAR will be removed from the PAR on the expiry of the relevant Condition, Undertaking, waiver and/or suspension (as appropriate), or as soon as reasonably practicable after such expiry.

To date we have not published details of individual Conditions or Undertakings applied but we may do so in future based on our assessment of the public interest.

A link to any currently published measures can be found on the PIE Auditor Register Firms List (please refer to the “status” column).

Using your information

We will treat your personal information in accordance with data protection legislation. We will use your information to carry out our responsibilities as a regulator. We may share your personal information with third parties in accordance with our Regulatory Privacy Notice.

We will protect your information in accordance with our Regulatory Privacy Notice wherever it is processed. We will also take steps to ensure that information is processed in accordance with applicable data protection laws such as implementing safeguards like Standard Contractual Clauses with third parties where applicable. Further details on these safeguards are available upon request from the FRC.

Information collected in performance of our regulatory activities may be transferred outside of the UK. For more information about our data protection policy and your rights in relation to your personal data, please see our Regulatory Privacy Notice.