Consultation Paper: Proposed revision of Practice Note 23: Special Considerations in Auditing Financ

Published: 3 August 2017

Response deadline: 10 April 2012

Consultation document
Links to PDFs open in new tabs
Title Consultation Paper: Proposed revision of Practice Note 23: Special Considerations in Auditing Financ
Format pdf, 950.1 KB
Responses received
Links to PDFs open in new tabs
Title Feedback Statement: Consultation on revision of Practice Note 23
Format pdf, 172.9 KB
Title Baker Tilly UK Audit LLP response
Format pdf, 24.2 KB
Title BDO LLP response
Format pdf, 57.1 KB
Title Deloitte LLP response
Format pdf, 184.2 KB
Title Ernst & Young LLP response
Format pdf, 236.4 KB
Title Grant Thornton UK LLP response
Format pdf, 188.1 KB
Title KPMG LLP response
Format pdf, 1.6 MB
Title PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP response
Format pdf, 103.9 KB
Title The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) response
Format pdf, 224.7 KB
Title The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS) response
Format pdf, 102.4 KB

Consultation status: closed