Exposure Draft: Guidance on the Going Concern Basis of Accounting and Reporting on Solvency and Liquidity Risks

Published: 5 October 2015

Response deadline: 5 October 2015

Consultation document
Links to PDFs open in new tabs
Title Exposure Draft: Guidance on the Going Concern Basis of Accounting and Reporting on Solvency and Liquidity Risks
Format pdf, 824.9 KB
Feedback statement
Name Feedback Statement: Guidance on the Going Concern Basis of Accounting and Reporting on Solvency and Liquidity Risks (April 2016)
Publication date 18 April 2016
Type Feedback paper
Format PDF, 1.1 MB
Responses received
Links to PDFs open in new tabs
Title 01 Deloitte LLP response
Format pdf, 64.5 KB
Title 02 QCA response
Format pdf, 657.0 KB
Title 03 KPMG response
Format pdf, 2.5 MB
Title 04 National Audit Office
Format pdf, 148.3 KB
Title 05 PwC LLP response
Format pdf, 307.6 KB
Title 06 AAT response
Format pdf, 167.1 KB
Title 07 Kreston Reeves
Format pdf, 835.2 KB
Title 08 BDO LLP response
Format pdf, 1.6 MB
Title 09 Grant Thornton LLP response
Format pdf, 242.2 KB
Title 10 ICAEW response
Format pdf, 231.3 KB
Title 11 ICAS response
Format pdf, 212.8 KB

Consultation status: closed