Contact us
Published: 15 September 2023
1 minute read
If your prefer, please email us directly at [email protected]
If your enquiry is regarding making a complaint please fill in our online form.
- [email protected]
- +44 (0)20 7492 2497
Speaker request
If you would like someone from the FRC to speak at an event you are planning, please complete our speaker request form. Your submission will then be reviewed by our Stakeholder Engagement and Corporate Affairs team, who will be able to confirm availability and suitability of your request. If you have any questions on this process, please contact [email protected].
The Communications Team is available to journalists at any time by phone or email. Our contact details are below. If you are not a journalist please call our switchboard on +44 (0)20 7492 2300. It is open during normal office hours.
- Kate O’Neill, Director of Stakeholder Engagement and Corporate Affairs
- Adam Mohamed, Head of Communications
- William Boyack, Senior Communications Manager
Find out what we do and how you can get involved. We're always happy to talk so please get in touch.
- Emily Duncan, Head of Stakeholder Engagement
- David Young, Stakeholder Engagement Manager
Public Affairs
If you are a parliamentarian, policy-maker or broader stakeholder and would like to know more about the FRC’s work, please contact us.
- Daniel Ellis, Senior Public Affairs Manager
Levy and Funding
We publish all our funding and levy information. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Levy Collection Team - Adetiq Ltd
- +44 (01273) 764 511
- [email protected]
Our location
London office
13th Floor
1 Harbour Exchange Square
E14 9GE
Google map directions to London office
- +44 (0)20 7492 2300
- +44 (0)20 7492 2301
- [email protected]
Birmingham office
5th Floor
3 Arena Central
Bridge Street
B1 2AX
Google map directions to Birmingham office
- +44 (0)20 7492 2300
- +44 (0)20 7492 2301
- [email protected]