Climate-related corporate reporting

Published: 14 November 2023

1 minute read

Societal understanding of climate change and the need to take action has increased over recent years, leading to an increase in both public discourse and government initiatives. It has also become increasingly clear that companies and investors are seen as key to helping to address this issue.

The project sought to test whether the principles of our previous reports on business models, risk and viability reporting and performance metrics could be applied in the context of climate-related reporting.

The final report and a four page questions for companies brings together the questions, recommended disclosures and links to examples.

Name Climate-related corporate reporting - Where to next?
Publication date 30 October 2019
Type Report
Format PDF, 6.2 MB
Name Climate-related corporate reporting - Questions for companies
Publication date 30 October 2019
Type Report
Format PDF, 857.6 KB
Name Climate Governance Roadmap
Publication date 27 November 2019
Type Report
Format PDF, 437.3 KB