2025 FRC Taxonomy Suite

Published: 18 October 2024

3 minute read

The 2025 Taxonomy Suite relates to the FRC’s Taxonomies: UK IFRS, FRS 101, FRS 102, UKSEF, Irish and Charities and contains taxonomy documentation (supporting documents, key information sheets and release notes). The 2025 Taxonomy Suite was released on 18 October 2024.

Users must also refer to the FRC Taxonomies Documentation and Guidance resources.

Download the 2025 FRC Taxonomy Suite

FRC Taxonomy Suite 2025

The 2025 FRC Taxonomy Suite includes Taxonomies for: UK IFRS, FRS 101, FRS 102, UKSEF, Irish and Charities.

Name 2025 FRC Taxonomy Suite v1.0.0
Publication date 18 October 2024
Format ZIP, 7.8 MB
Name Charities Taxonomies 2025
Publication date 18 October 2024
Format ZIP, 1.3 MB
Name Irish Taxonomies 2025
Publication date 18 October 2024
Format ZIP, 2.9 MB

2025 Mapping Files

The mapping documents are designed to enable software houses to easily identify the changes. Four colours are used with red denoting a deletion, green an addition, yellow a change to an existing line, and orange to indicate deprecated items.

A full list of changes can be found by filtering on the Description of Change cell (A1) and deselecting “Blanks” from the list. This is the case for each Presentation tab of the mapping file. Please note that it will still be necessary to see the changes in context of the full taxonomy; this advice is only intended to help users easily identify where changes have been made.

Two new columns are included. The Hypercube Numbers column (C in the Presentation tabs) and Dimension Numbers column (E in the Hypercube Dimensions tab) shows the hypercubes and dimensions associated with specific concepts in the Hypercube items, Hypercube dimensions, and Dimensions members tabs.

2025 Mapping Files

Mapping documents detailing all the changes to the 2025 suite since the 2024 version.

Name 2025 Mapping Files
Publication date 18 October 2024
Format ZIP, 7.0 MB

Who should use the 2025 Taxonomy Suite?

In principle, only two versions of the taxonomies should be in use by preparers and developers: the latest version and the penultimate version. This is to ensure that preparers comply with the full tagging requirement from HMRC.

The 2025 suite represents the latest version of the FRC Taxonomies and as such can be used to comply with HMRC requirements to fully tag. The suite has been designed with full tagging in mind. Accounts should be fully tagged, except for consolidated UKSEF data where regulations permit minimum tagging. Filers to HMRC and Companies House should use the most-up-to-date version where possible.

The Charity Accounts Taxonomy may be used by all charities preparing accounts in accordance with the Charities FRS 102 SORP and is mandatory for large charities with income over £6.5m filing with HMRC.

The Irish Extension enables electronic tagging of Irish accounts to support the Irish Revenue Commissioners’ requirement for iXBRL financial statements as part of the Corporation Tax return.

Key changes to the 2025 Taxonomy Suite

A Feedback Statement, outlining our responses to the public consultation period, is available below.

Key changes are summarised below but users are strongly recommended to read the changelog.pdf file in the Taxonomy Suite zip folder download. This gives substantially more detail on the proposed changes for this year and supports the use of the Excel mapping files.

  • Taxonomy elements have been updated and added to enable UKEB endorsed Supplier Finance Arrangements: Amendments to IAS 7 and IFRS 7 and Lack of Exchangeability: Amendments to IAS 21
  • Taxonomy elements have been updated and added to enable amendments to UK Financial Reporting Standards (FRED 82 and FRED 84).
  • New entry points and elements have been added to enable digital reporting of Community Interest Company (CIC-34) report and Dormant Subsidiary Exempt Package accounts to Companies House
  • Creation of a new DPL core schema and removal of the DPL presentation from the core entrypoint.
  • Changed balance types and labels of “Issue of bonus shares”, “Increase (decrease) in net debt”, and “Past service cost of defined benefit plan” to better reflect their meaning.
  • Updated “Average number of employees during the period” to use the nonNegativeDecimalItemType to address the issue where numbers of employees are incorrectly reported as a negative number.
  • The Charities extension has been updated.
  • The Irish extension has been updated this year, and includes the changes made in the 2024 Taxonomy Suite.
UK Taxonomy Suite 2025 Feedback Statement
Name UK Taxonomy Suite 2025 Feedback Statement
Publication date 18 October 2024
Format PDF, 1.3 MB

UKSEF 2025

Updated guidance will be published in early 2025. Users are encouraged to regularly check this page. Alternatively, stay informed about the latest developments by subscribing to our dedicated mailing list and selecting "Digital Reporting & Taxonomies" under FRC teams.