Implementation Guidance to accompany FRS 103 Insurance Contracts

Published: 10 September 2024

2 minute read

This Implementation Guidance accompanies, but is not part of, FRS 103 Insurance Contracts. Accordingly, it does not carry the authority of an accounting standard and shall not be regarded as mandatory. It provides guidance on applying:

The Table of Differences describes the relationships between UK and Ireland financial reporting standards and IFRS Accounting Standards.

Related impact assessments and feedback statements to the following publications.

Current edition

September 2024

The most recent full edition of the guidance, plus any amendments made subsequently, together constitute the latest edition.

Links to PDFs open in new tabs

Name Implementation Guidance to accompany FRS 103 Insurance Contracts (September 2024)
Publication date 10 September 2024
Type Guidance
Notes The September 2024 edition of the implementation guidance incorporates all amendments issued up to September 2024.
Format PDF, 386.5 KB

Superseded editions

January 2022

Links to PDFs open in new tabs

Name Implementation Guidance to accompany FRS 103 Insurance Contracts (January 2022)
Publication date 31 January 2022
Type Guidance
Notes The January 2022 edition of the implementation guidance incorporates all amendments issued up to January 2022.
Format PDF, 1.5 MB
Name Amendments to FRS 102 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland and other FRSs – Periodic Review 2024
Publication date 27 March 2024
Type Amendment
Format PDF, 31.2 KB
March 2018

Links to PDFs open in new tabs

Name Implementation Guidance to FRS 103 Insurance Contracts (March 2018)
Publication date 28 March 2018
Type Guidance
Format PDF, 349.8 KB
Name Amendments to UK and Republic of Ireland accounting standards - UK exit from the European Union
Publication date 21 December 2020
Type Amendment
Format PDF, 726.6 KB
February 2017

Links to PDFs open in new tabs

Name Implementation Guidance to accompany FRS 103 Insurance Contracts (February 2017)
Publication date 1 February 2017
Type Guidance
Format PDF, 347.1 KB
Name Letter from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to the FRC – Solvency II clarification
Publication date 3 February 2017
Type Letter
Format PDF, 98.0 KB
March 2014

Links to PDFs open in new tabs

Name Implementation Guidance to accompany FRS 103 Insurance Contract (March 2014)
Publication date 20 March 2014
Type Guidance
Format PDF, 378.8 KB
Name Amendments to FRS 103: Insurance Contracts - Solvency II
Publication date 26 May 2016
Type Amendment
Format PDF, 369.0 KB