UK Stewardship Code Signatories

Signatories to the UK Stewardship Code include asset managers, asset owners and the service providers that support them. Signatories are required to report annually on their stewardship policies, processes, activities and outcomes for a 12-month reporting period. Those on the list have met the standard of reporting required by the Code.

The signatories to the UK Stewardship Code are listed below with links to their Stewardship Reports. Organisations listed are required to report every year to the FRC on their application of the Code. Reports are assessed by the FRC and organisations that meet the reporting expectations are accepted as signatories.

The signatory list was updated on 11 February 2025.

Signatory list at 07/09/2021

Signatory list at 10/03/2022

Signatory list at 07/09/2022

Signatory list at 15/02/2023

Signatory list at 30/08/2023

Signatory List at 21/02/2024

Signatory List at 22/07/2024

Current signatory list

signatories matching your criteria
Organisation HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Ltd
Report HSBC Global Asset Management (UK) Limited Stewardship Statement
Signatory since 2021
Organisation type Asset manager
Organisation HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme
Report HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme Stewardship Statement
Signatory since 2022
Organisation type Asset owner