Deloitte Accountants B.V.
Registration number | NL3092 |
Registration type | Equivalent |
Registration status | Registered |
Legal form | Limited Liability Company |
Country | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
Registration start date | 15 December 2021 |
Address | Wilhelminakade 1, Rotterdam, 3072 AP Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
Telephone number | +31 88 288 2888 |
Email / Contact URL | [email protected] |
Website | |
Address | Gustav Mahlerlaan 2970, Amsterdam, 1081 LA Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
Name | Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) |
Name | Geertje Hamer |
Name | Autoriteit Financiele Markten |
Country | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
Registration number | 13000015 |
Competent Authority | Public Company Accounting Oversight Board |
Country | United States of America |
Registration number | 1243 |