FRC Board announcement

News types: Staff/Board Announcements

Published: 16 January 2015

PN 04/15
Jim Sutcliffe has today informed the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) of his decision to stand down from the Board and from the chairmanship of the Codes & Standards Committee of the FRC with immediate effect. The Board of the FRC has accepted his decision.

Sir Win Bischoff, Chairman of the FRC, said,

“I wish to thank Jim Sutcliffe for his commitment and service to the Board and his effective leadership of the Codes & Standards Committee and before that the Board for Actuarial Standards of the FRC.”

Nick Land, a member of the Board of the FRC has been appointed Chair of the Codes & Standards Committee.
Notes to editors:

  1. The FRC is responsible for promoting high quality corporate governance and reporting to foster investment.  We set the UK Corporate Governance and Stewardship Codes as well as UK standards for accounting, auditing and actuarial work.  We represent UK interests in international standard-setting.  We also monitor and take action to promote the quality of corporate reporting and auditing.  We operate independent disciplinary arrangements for accountants and actuaries; and oversee the regulatory activities of the accountancy and actuarial professional bodies.
  2. Nick Land is a director of the FRC and member of the FRC's Codes & Standards Committee. He is a non-executive Director and chairs the Audit and Risk Committees of Vodafone Group plc and Alliance Boots GmbH. He is also the senior independent director for BBA Aviation plc and Ashmore Group plc. He retired as Chairman of Ernst & Young LLP in 2006 after a career spanning 36 years with the firm.

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