Call for participants – your opportunity to be involved in the Digital Future

News types: Corporate Reports, Generic Announcement, Publications

Published: 13 December 2019

The Financial Reporting Lab (the Lab) is calling for organisations, investors, analysts, technology experts and those with an interest in the potential uses of video, augmented reality and virtual reality in the production and consumption of corporate reporting to participate in the next phase of its project, Digital Future.

The Digital Future project is an initiative to investigate the impact of technology on the corporate reporting environment.

As part of this project, the Lab has already:

The Lab is now announcing a new project on Video, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to consider how it is and, will be, used in the production and consumption of corporate reporting data.

The Lab would welcome your participation if you are:

  • A preparer or service provider, working on the production of company reporting, who has either used or investigated the use of Video, AR or VR.
  • A technology company, offering Video, AR or VR products that assist in the production or consumption of company external reporting.
  • An investor or data provider, consuming company videos or have thoughts about Video, AR or VR.

Project timing

The project is expected to run until the first half of 2020 with a report produced in the summer.

Those with an interest in participating should email [email protected].