FRC - Covid 19 update

News types: Generic Announcement

Published: 17 March 2020

In light of the current situation with Covid 19, and in line with the Prime Minister’s advice, the FRC has taken the decision that all staff will work from home for the next month. We will review this situation regularly in light of advice from health professionals and the government unless the situation changes dramatically.

While we will maintain business as usual as much as possible, there will, inevitably, be an impact on some activities.

We will not hold meetings in our offices during this period. Instead, any meetings will be conducted via conference calls or rescheduled.

Any events due to take place during this period at the FRC’s office will be postponed.

We will update subscribers on anything that changes as and when necessary, including whether we need to extend this timeframe.

This is an unprecedented situation and we recognise that many of you face similar challenges. Rest assured that we are putting in place procedures to ensure as much as possible that our ability to continue our regulatory functions will be uninterrupted.

While the FRC switchboard will be unavailable during this time, you will still be able to contact the FRC by emailing your usual contact or through [email protected]

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