Women in Finance Charter

News types: Generic Announcement

Published: 5 October 2020

The FRC became a signatory to Women in Finance Charter in 2018 and last month we provided an annual update to the Treasury on the commitments we made. We have made some progress. On our board, women make up 40% (up from 30% last year) which exceeded our target of 33%. For senior managers (ExCo and Pay Level 6) this has increased significantly from 46.6% to 58.3%. However, we are under our ExCo target of 33% (currently 25%). We have taken a range of measures to increase the numbers of women at a senior level at the FRC. We have rolled out unconscious bias and active bystander training across the organisation, include diversity training for new starters as part of the induction process and we also operate coaching, mentoring and reverse mentoring schemes.

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