
This page lists the Consultations carried out by the FRC.

There are no open consultations at the moment.

210 closed consultations
Title Draft Plan & Budget and Levy proposals 2014/15
Closing date 31 December 2013
Published 19 August 2017
Title FRED 53: Draft Amendments to FRS 101 - Reduced Disclosure Framework
Closing date 11 December 2013
Published 3 August 2017
Title FRED 52: Draft Amendments to the FRSSE (effective April 2008) - Micro-entities
Closing date 4 December 2013
Published 3 August 2017
Title Exposure Draft: AS TM1: Statutory Money Purchase Illustrations v4.0 (November 2013)
Closing date 15 November 2013
Published 6 August 2017
Title FRED 51: Draft Amendments to FRS 102 - Hedge Accounting
Closing date 13 November 2013
Published 3 August 2017
Title Consultation Paper: Guidance for Directors of Banks on Solvency and Liquidity Risk Management and th
Closing date 6 November 2013
Published 19 August 2017
Title Consultation Document: Directors' Remuneration
Closing date 2 October 2013
Published 5 August 2017
Title FRED 50: Draft FRC Abstract 1 - Residential Management Companies' Financial Statements
Closing date 5 August 2013
Published 1 August 2017
Title FRC Invitation to Comment on IAASB Exposure Draft (July 2013)
Closing date 1 August 2013
Published 3 August 2017
Title Exposure Draft: Guidance on the Strategic Report
Closing date 1 August 2013
Published 3 August 2017
Title FRED 49: Draft FRS 103 Insurance Contracts
Closing date 29 July 2013
Published 1 August 2017
Title Proposed Practice Note 14 (Revised): The Audit of Housing Associations in the United Kingdom
Closing date 24 July 2013
Published 2 August 2017
Title Consultation Paper: Risk Management, Internal Control and the Going Concern Basis of Accounting
Closing date 11 June 2013
Published 19 August 2017
Title 700 (Revised) The independent auditor’s report on financial statements
Closing date 4 June 2013
Published 6 August 2017
Title Feedback Statement and Further consultation: Revision of ISA (UK and Ireland) 610
Closing date 11 February 2013
Published 3 August 2017